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Please Slow Down - Creating a Safer Community

When Zak first applied for the Youth Creativity Fund, he shared about his experience of almost being struck by a car as he walked to school.  His goal was to design signs that showcased Driftwood Park Public School students and encouraged drivers to slow down and pay attention.  Early this May we had the joy of touring the neighbourhood with Zak and Barry Cronkite, the Director of Transportation Services with the City of Kitchener, to plan out the best locations for the new signs. 

We learned about the rules of signage, why certain signs work or don't work in certain areas, how signs are mounted, and tested to be sure the signs wouldn't be blocking the visibility of drivers.  The Youth Creativity Fund is incredibly thankful to the City of Kitchener for their help on this project and for the time Barry took to work with Zak directly, answer his many, many questions, and allow his input.  Zak is already thinking about how he can bring more signs to other schools in the region.  We believe Zak has a bright future ahead in city planning, that is if he doesn't get drafted to the NBA first.